
Working Here: The HopeNation Movement and Why It Matters

Written by Editorial | Feb 13, 2023 1:40:14 PM

HopeNation is where hope and healing begin. This philosophy is one Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. Dan Williams, lives by and demonstrates in his work daily.

“We really want to be able to provide evidence-based, research-backed treatment and interventions to clients and families so that they can move through a course of treatment in an effective and efficient manner,” Dr. Williams said.

Having been in the mental health field since 1996, Dr. Williams knows how HopeNation is differentiating itself from other mental health service providers for kids, teens and young adults.

HopeNation Movement Defined

The HopeNation movement is about building a new virtual community that connects children, caregivers and therapists to provide comprehensive mental health care. This community-based approach emphasizes the importance of involving all stakeholders in the mental health care process, from the child receiving treatment to the caregivers and therapists providing it.

“We are creating a community where clients, families and providers can come together in new and different ways than what we have typically seen in the virtual landscape over the last number of years,” Dr. Williams said.

By fostering a sense of community and collaboration, HopeNation aims to ensure that everyone involved in the mental health care process feels supported, heard and fulfilled. This approach is designed to provide the best possible care for children, teens and young adults and to promote healing and hope for those who need it.

“That [support] translates into what we think is going to be much better care for the clients and families that we serve,” Dr. Williams said.

Our Approach

HopeNation offers a highly individualized treatment plan that is based on clinical assessment tools to customize the approach that works best for the client.  One such evidenced-based practice is somatic-oriented treatment: blending talk therapy and body-based interventions, helping clients to get in touch with their physical wellbeing and the relationship they have with themselves. In turn, this effects their relationships with others. This is achieved by paying attention to thoughts, emotional reactions and subsequent physical responses. All types of practices are well-defined with a clear beginning, middle and end, with an established research-base to support the clinical use of the interventions. 

“Everyone gets sad sometimes. Everyone has a certain amount of anxiety at different periods of time. And so, the goals of treatment are never to say hey you’re never going to be sad or you’re never going to get anxious, but we want to help folks bring those symptoms down to what everyone generally experiences,” Dr. Williams explained.

The first step is for HopeNation therapists to deliver services by conducting an initial assessment. For some clients that’s focusing on the caregiving system that surrounds a child, for others it’s working with the child, adolescent or young adult directly.

Because HopeNation measures progress at every step of treatment, therapists can provide data showing negative symptom reduction from the first session to the last session, client and family improvement and illustrate how change occurs, which motivates and empowers all involved in the process.

Two unique ways in which our services can help clients include leveraging technology through apps and wearable technology. These technologies can provide clients with additional tools to manage their mental health and support their treatment.

Apps can be used to provide clients with a convenient way to check in with their emotions and experiences throughout the day. Clients can complete therapy “assignments” and track their progress, allowing them to stay connected to their treatment even when they’re not in session.

Wearable technology can also be used to track physiological information such as heart rate and breathing. This information can be used to help clients and therapists connect physical sensations, emotions and thoughts. By understanding the relationship between these different factors, clients can start to create change in how they think and behave. This can support clients in developing better coping strategies, greater awareness and more effective communication.

“At the end of that treatment process we’re going to measure everything we do along the way so that by the end of that course of treatment, not only will the providers know but more importantly the clients will know these are the ways in which treatment has helped me,” Dr. Williams explained. “When we compare the results of the assessments to the general population we’re going to really look and see has that symptomatology reduced down to what everyone typically experiences.”

Clients don’t have to remain in therapy forever.

Dr. Williams knows his enthusiasm for being a part of HopeNation is mirrored by that of his staff.

“This is really an opportunity to work in new ways and reach more people. To really blend technology in with the human connection. And part of what excites me about this is really figuring that dynamic out,” Dr. Williams said. “We’re really looking to create services and opportunities that allow more and more people to access mental health services.”

Consider joining the HopeNation movement. Click here to apply today.