
The Influence of Colors on Mood and Mental Health

The Influence of Colors on Mood and Mental Health

Color has power. It can stimulate, sedate, excite, calm, irritate, bring pleasure or generate feelings of hot or cold. Experiencing the energy of different colors has a sensory effect on us. Our language is full of expressions which use color to...

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What are they and Why Are They Important? Have you ever been sitting quietly on a summer’s evening and suddenly you see fireflies announcing the evening’s arrival? In that moment, you feel joy, wonder, and a touch of magic and you might even feel a...

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What is Slow Living?

What is Slow Living?

SLOW LIVING: Strategies for a Full Life Busyness! Stuck in fast forward, racing against the clock, and instant gratification have become the cultural expectation. The expectation that we do more and more in less and less time seems to be the...

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